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1. STEP 1. First, please TEXT your name and the word "Consult" to this number for a Free Consult 
2. STEP 2. After your Free Consult, pick one of the 5 Options (Health Plan A, B, C, D, or E). After you pay for it, you will be taken to a questionnaire to fill out, which is Step 3 and the final step of these instructions. 
Health Plan A

SEMAGLUTIDE for weight loss and achieving ideal body weight with diet and exercise


           $250/month *Includes medicine and shipping to you at no extra charge

WHAT'S INCLUDED: Medicine vials, needles, instructions, diet and supplement recommendations, and med titration to maximize benefits and reduce side effects

Health Plan B

TIRZEPATIDE for weight loss and achieving ideal body weight with diet and exercise. *More expensive than Semaglutide but more effective


           $320/month *Includes medicine and shipping to you at no extra charge

WHAT'S INCLUDED: Medicine vials, needles, instructions, diet and supplement recommendations, and med titration to maximize benefits and reduce side effects

Man Doing Pushup
Health Plan C

TESTOSTERONE for weight management, improving muscle/fat ratio 

and mood, and resolving erectile dysfunction. 



         $300/month *Includes medicine and shipping to you at no extra charge


WHAT'S INCLUDED: Medicine vials, needles, instructions, diet and supplement recommendations, and med titration to maximize benefits and reduce side effects

Health Plan D

SEMAGLUTIDE & TESTOSTERONE - for weight loss, improvement of muscle/fat ratio, resolution of erectile dysfunction, etc.



          $500/month *Includes medicine and shipping to you at no extra charge


WHAT'S INCLUDED: Medicine vials, needles, instructions, diet and supplement recommendations, and med titration to maximize benefits and reduce side effects

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Health Plan E

TIRZEPATIDE & TESTOSTERONE - for weight loss, improvement of muscle/fat ratio, resolution of erectile dysfunction, etc. * Tirzepatide is more effective than Semaglutide but more expensive



          $560/month *Includes medicine and shipping to you at no extra charge


WHAT'S INCLUDED: Medicine vials, needles, instructions, diet and supplement recommendations, and med titration to maximize benefits and reduce side effects

3. After completing Steps 1 and 2, you will be taken automatically to a questionnaire you'll need to fill out in order to complete Step 3, which is the final step in these instructions. If, for some reason, you are not taken to this questionnaire after you pay, then click HERE to go to that page. (Only fill out the questionnaire after you have paid, otherwise you will not be served.)
TEXT Your Name and the Word "Consult" to this number to Schedule a 10-Minute Consult with a Specialist! Or Click to SIGN UP today.

Start Becoming the BEST Version of Yourself Today!

W. Broad St., Ste. 1052
Columbus, OH 43215

For Answers to the Most Common Questions, Please Read THIS Before Emailing Us 

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© 2024 DocJohnston Productions 


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